I think I have said this several times but I think I will keep saying it: Make it your own. There are so many fantastic ideas out there right now! There are several handfuls of gorgeous, fun, new ideas of little girl tops!
I just love a simple pair of jeans or a solid colored pair of shorts with a darling hand stitched top. You can top it off with a set of hair clips that match and your little one will look magazine worthy. (At least for the first hour before she goes outside or has lunch.)

Prudent Baby has a darling, snappy toddler top. I used her idea and it turned into my little girl's 2nd birthday outfit.

I used an old cotton spandex shirt of mine that just didn't fit the same after a few washes. I added some stitching and it became this.
My suggestion for this top is to make sure your arm holes are big enough. Measure a shirt that your little one already wears and that you like the fit and then adjust your pattern.
Embroidering stitches really makes a sweet little girl outfit. In my opinion, it simply makes a shirt a step above the rest. I added a few stitches while watching my favorite tv show, and have never regretted it.

The top is lovely~!
You aded so many details to make it your own!
Wow, this it so cute!
~JamieS@ Scattered Thoughts of a Crafty Mom
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