I was doing a search on a spring or easter door wreaths, and came across two I loved! Something Wonderful, had a brilliant idea for putting paper mache over her eggs to give them texture and a different color. Debbie Doodlings, had a darling idea of putting easter grass in between the eggs as a filler. I had just the plan...
I began by making a flower and water paste, and then used it to glue my paper to the eggs.
I painted my eggs the color I wanted them. If you don't have a pastel paints don't forget you can add white to any color to make it lighter. After I painted them, I speckled my eggs to give them extra texture and color.
I made a frame from cardboard like Debbie did. I hot glued my eggs down and added a little grass and a bow, and it was all ready to hang on the door!

The great part is, not only does it look beautiful and very full, but I only spent $4 at the dollar store!
I hope you find this inspirational!
This is awesome! I love it! I'm going to make 3 this weekend; 1 for me, 1 for my mom, 1 for my mother in law!
I love this Jen! What a smart idea with the water and flour. I was thinking about what to do for an Easter wreath also, and this is it! Thanks!
That's amazing, Jennifer!!! I might have to try that one out!! Thanks for the beautiful idea:)
That is so pretty! I love the colors you used. The grass handing out between the eggs is adorable:)
So cute! Yours turned out my favorite of the others you posted. One question- how did you speckle the eggs?
Way to cute!! Like an easter basket for your door. Visiting from Show and Tell at Blue Cricket.
{$15 Amazon GC Giveaway}
Way to cute!! Like an easter basket for your door. Visiting from Show and Tell at Blue Cricket.
{$15 Amazon GC Giveaway}
Oh.... so Cute! I'm loving it!
A great idea for an Easter wreath..simple,colourful and bright. A lvoely welcoming to your front door! yvette@twistedvines
Love this also! I think I may try it as well! Thanks for sharing!
Thank you so much for the great comments!! So sorry I didn't write earlier. I speckled them by just painting the eggs with the eggs that were finished underneath. Kind of hard to explain. But... I know you can speckle by using a toothbrush. Just dip toothbrush in paint, pretty hard rub your finger across the tooth brush. The first few times you do it make sure it is on something other than your eggs because they will be very big and lumpy speckles at first.
I just love your Super Cute , Oh So Cheap ;) Easter Egg Wreath! I just found your blog via "All Things Related" and I'm now a follower!
I want to share you and your wreath with my Facebook Peeps, they are going to love it as well! Here is the link, if you would like to check it out!
one word..... "LOVE" winks- jen
So pretty! I love how a sweet wreath makes everything so festive!
This is awesome!!! I defiantly would've done this this year if I found it earlier! I hope I can remember for the next! =)
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