Monday, February 28, 2011

What is Reader's Show Off?

When you finish a project are you just dying to show someone what you just did? I am!! When I finish something that I am really happy with, I will put it somewhere I can see it. I'll put it out on a hanger, or across the living room coffee table, and look at it every time I walk by. Many times I will take a picture with my phone and text it to my mom and sisters. I don't know how many times their phones have chimed at 2 in the morning with a new text. Sorry, I just can't wait!

I thought it would be really fun if this blog were like those 2 a.m. texts. If you are excited about something you made and are just dying to show it off, then I would love for this to be a place where you can show off your stuff. This gives you amazing readers and crafters a chance to put your things out there in the blogging world.

Here's what I need from you. An email containing:
  1. A short description of your project. You can choose to tell me something like why you decided to work on that project, what gave you the inspiration, or what are you going to use it for. We would all love to hear about how and why you created what you did.
  2. Several pictures of your project (or projects) that you would like us to post.
Please send all emails to: thepolkadotumbrella (at) gmx (dot) com

I will email you back as soon as I can, and let you know when I will be posting your things. It isn't if, it will always be a when!

I can't wait to see what you send us!

1 comment:

Jenni Renee said...

lol. my family may appreciate this. lol. Thankfully for me my grandma lives 3 hours behind me so i have a little space to show people stuff but Im always way to excited and want to wake people up.